Media shapes the world around us. As a (digital) media designer with a big affinity to UX and Motion, I do have the power to communicate with others indirectly and help everybode to experience and define our present and future life – in the digital realm but also the tangible world. How I do this? My work was never and will never be driven by labels, strict design guidelines and traditional media. Sometimes breaking rules, scraping on the edge between design and art and creating the future is the biggest opportunity in every user-journey, experience, campaign or design.
Therefore, I am working between the different spheres of design – from inclusive illustrations & interactive print-elements up to speculative and realworld motion projects and tangible user-interfaces.
Designing sustainable and long-lasting experiences for and with users within contemporary and future media, is the my biggest goal. Convinced of technology as a daily advancing stepping-stone, I am always on the hunt for new, emerging technologies and styles to open up the path to our digital tomorrow and make it experienceable for us all.